Thursday, May 28, 2009

Union Diary - March 1884

March 1, Saturday
Clear & cold. Went to the mill & marl pits. Took 1 cwt of flour down to Father Godfrey’s. Got 2 horses shod in front. Brought home a load of marl.

March 2, Sunday
Snowing nearly all day. Went to church in the morning. Snowed too hard to go to S. School.

March 3, Monday
Cold with snow nearly all day. Put new runner on the stalk sled, then got a load of fodder on it. Went to Mrs. Addison’s in the evening with the clothes.

March 4, Tuesday
Very cold. Went for a load of marl. Brought some stalks after dinner.

March 5, Wednesday
Moderated. Began snowing at 7 o’clock & snowed all day. Brought a load of marl. Stopped snowing in the evening.

March 6, Thursday
Clody. About 2 inches of snow on the ground. Went for a load of marl today.

March 7, Friday
Cloudy & rainy. Brought a load of marl today. Roads are getting soft.

March 8, Saturday
Cloudy in the morning, began raining hard about noon. Went to church in the afternoon. Brought a load of marl from halfway.

March 9, Sunday
Went to church in the morning. It was our communion. Began raining at 11 o’clock & kept it up until 2. Emma and her husband came this morning and stayed until evening. I did not go to S. School.

March 10, Monday
Clear & cold. Went for a load of marl. Got a load of fodder in the afternoon. Had 3 different men to see me about hiring them. Hired James Johnson at 15 dollars for 9 months & 14 for 3 m’s.

March 11, Tuesday
Pleasant. Went to the mill & brought home a load of marl, then went down to town meeting in the afternoon. Rosie cow had a calf last night.

March 12, Wednesday
Warm & cloudy. Brought a load of marl today. Took 1 cwt flour down to Father Godfrey. James Johnson began working for us today. Threw out the manure out of the hog pen.

March 13, Thursday
Cloudy & looks like storm. Carted 2 loads of lime & spread it. Went to church at night. Father got a rooster from Murph’s today.

March 14, Friday
Snowed a little this morning, then it turned to rain & has been raining all day. Began raining at twelve o’clock last night. Jim shelled a bsh. Corn this afternoon.

March 15, Saturday
Pleasant. Carted 3 loads of lime today. Jimmie turned 4 cowposts. Old sow had pigs today.

March 16, Sunday
Pleasant. Went to church in the morning & S. School in the afternoon.

March 17, Monday
Clear & cold. Went down after a load of lime. Stopped to see the committee. After dinner, spread my load of lime, then went over to Smith’s after the new pennock scraper.

March 18, Tuesday
Clear & pleasant. Scraping roads all day. Cousin Jim was helping me.

March 19, Wednesday
Raining hard all day.

March 20, Thursday
Cloudy. Olliver Alderman came up to see me. Brought a load of stalks before dinner. After dinner, cut some wood, then went up and loaded a load of Mr. Stewarts mooving.

March 21, Friday
Cloudy. Took a load of mooving up to Gloucester, then came around by Woodbury & got a load of cancerine. 2,240 lbs. Started at 4am. Got back at 7:30pm.

March 22, Saturday
Pleasant. Unloaded my king crab in the morning & went to the tin smith’s sale in the afternoon.

March 23, Sunday
Clear & warm. Went to church & S. School.

March 24, Monday
Warm. Rained hard last night. Carted some stalks, then harrowed out corn stubs in the afternoon. Then had another load of mooving in trade for a calf.

March 25, Tuesday
Pleasant & warm. Scraping roads all day with my 3 horses. Jeff helped me until 3pm.

March 26, Wednesday
Cloudy. Rained hard nearly all night. Chopping wood. Went down with my claf to the station. It weighed 224 lbs at 7-cents, brought back some coal 880lbs. Got Mr. Stewart’s calf.

March 27, Thursday
Pleasant. Went up with a load for Capt. Stewart. Brought my oats, 10bsh @ 56 - 15 bsh rose potatoes @ .75, 2 bbl Beauty of Hebron @ $1.25 per bbl, ½ ton bran @ [illegible] per ton Got home at 11pm.

March 28, Friday
Clear. Harrowing out corn stubs in morning. Began sowing clover seed after dinner. Father went to the mill for cow feed.

March 29, Saturday
Very nice day. Sowing & harrowing clover seed all day. Finished tonight.

March 30, Sunday
Cold & bright. Went to church in morning, S. School in afternoon & church in the evening to the missionary concert.

March 31, Monday
Clear & cold. Unloaded my potatoes & got a load of wood in the forenoon & harrowed out stubs on the oats ground in the afternoon.

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