Thursday, May 28, 2009

Union Diary - January 1884

Jan 1, Tuesday
Cousin Jim and Jennie came over and spent the day. John and self helped him build a sled. It was very disagreeable, rained nearly all day.

Jan 5, Saturday
Snowing in the morning. John was at home. Afternoon, carted wood & stalks.

Jan 6, Sunday
Clear & very cold. Went to church & S. School.

Jan 7, Monday
Clear & cold. John carting ice for C. Bodin. Went to S. & Boody’s mill. Went to church at night.

Jan 8, Tuesday
Rainy & drizzly day. Went to George Ireland’s sale in the afternoon. Bought church & horse for 75; scythe & sheath, 15.

Jan 9, Wednesday
Rained in the morning. John did not go away with team. Measured up wheat in the afternoon. Sold Amy’s calf to Bob Miller. 225lbs & 8oz. Went to ch. at night.

Jan 10, Thursay
John took 60 bushels wheat to Malaga Mill. I tweight 61 5/6 bsh. $1.15 per bsh.

Jan 11, Friday
Rained hard in afternoon. John got a load of marl.

Jan 12, Saturday
Cold. John got a load of S. dirt chopping wood at the woodpile. Snowed a little last night.

Jan 13, Sunday
Clear & cold. Went to church in morning, S. School in afternoon.

Jan 14, Monday
Clear & pleasant. Went to Phila. & Camden, engaged my pork to S.K. Hires. Got home at 10:30pm. Began snowing about 11pm.

Jan 15, Tuesday
Snowing all day, about 4 or 5 inches.

Jan 16, Wednesday
Snowed last night. John went to mill. Clear & cold.

Jan 17, Thursday
Clear & cold in the morning, coldest night this winter yet. John brought a load of street dirt today. Priscilla & I went to church tonight.

Jan 18, Friday
Clear & present. John got a load of dirt, chopped wood all day.

Jan 19, Saturday
Rainy day. Went to the store in the morning. Helped John get a load of wood in the afternoon.

Jan 20, Sunday
Priscilla & I went to church in the morning. I went to S. School in the afternoon. Snowing a little nearly all day.

Jan 21, Monday
Very cold this morning. Chopping wood all day. John got a load of S. dirt. I took the clothes up to Mrs. Addison’s . Nellie cow had a calf.

Jan 22, Tuesday
Clear & not so cold as yesterday. Settled with Jos. Duffield. Cut a load of wood after dinner, then went to the store. John bought a load of dirt.

Jan 23, Wednesday
Pleasant day. John got a load of S. dirt then went to Brooks Hurf for sale. I cut a load of wood in the woods after dinner.

Jan 24, Thursday
Began raining about 7am, has rained hard all day. John has been over home since last night.

Jan 25, Friday
Cold & somewhat cloudy. Went after a load of S. dirt myself. Roads are quite slippery. John has not come back, yet.

Jan 26, Saturday
Clear & cold. John got a load of S. dirt, came back last night. Had a letter from Mr. Haven. Lizzie had a boy born last Sunday.

Jan 27, Sunday
Clear & pleasant. Went to church in the morning & S. School in the afternoon.

Jan 28, Monday
Snowy & rainy. Killed our hogs today. Jim & Strat & Jeff were here. John brought a load of marl from half way. 288+258+200+154+188=1,088.

Jan 29, Tuesday
Very changeable. Snowed hard in the morning. Started for Camden at 5am with my pork. Sold it to S.K. Hires @2 ½ for 1,072 lbs. Jeff Eldridge began selling milk, engaged ours at 4-cents per qt.

Jan 30, Wednesday
Cold & slippery. John got a load of street dirt, had his horses sharpened at Blackwood.

Jan 31, ThursdayRainy, very slippery. Went to help Strat Alderman kill hogs. John took 1 cwt flour to Father Godfrey, brought back a load of marl. John has left tonight to go home & farm for his father. 195+223+255=678.

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